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    Colin Davalo

    email: cdavalo (at) mathi.uni-heidelberg.de

I am a PhD student in the university of Heidelberg, under the supervision of Beatrice Pozzetti .

Research interests: Hitchin and maximal representations of surface groups, Anosov representations, symmetric spaces of non-compact type, domains of discontinuity in flag manifolds.

Here you can find my CV.


  1. Projective structures with (Quasi-)Hitchin holonomy (with Daniele Alessandrini and Qiongling Li)
    Preprint. Available online: arXiv:2110.15407
  2. Nearly geodesic immersions and domains of discontinuity
    Preprint. Available online arXiv:2303.11260
  3. Finite-sided Dirichlet domains and Anosov subgroups (with Max Riestenberg)
    Preprint. Available online arXiv:2402.06408
  4. Geometric structures for maximal representations and pencils
    Preprint. Available online arXiv:2407.01254


  1. Maximal and Borel Anosov representations in Sp(4,R)
    Advances in Mathematics Volume 442, April 2024, 109578 Available online
Here is a link to my PhD Thesis entitled "Geometric structures and representations of surface groups". Here are some pictures illustrating the objects that I like to study.
